I had to go to the dentist today and what I thought would be a 30 minute appointment ended up taking three hours. It was a long three hours (I haven't had my mouth open that long since I was 20) but during this time I had the pleasure of listening to the conversation in the room next to mine. Therein lay a Yorkville Lady (YK) in the chair (yes, I am stereotyping, so this means puffed up lips, very very thin hips and a fabulous LV bag) and the oral hygienist (oh) next to her. I found it interesting that YK could speak as much as she did, because when I get my teeth cleaned I cannot utter any type of understandable words.
This is what their wise words taught me today:
One: Trump has it hard.
Yes, you heard it. Apparently while his views may not be the most progressive, he is being treated extremely harshly and unfairly. It would seem that the majority of America resonates with Trump.
Two: Trump will get in if Hillary gets the ticket.
The first 3 minutes were spent trying to determine if Hillary is still running. Once this fact was established, though without true certainty, it was decided that Trump would definitely get in should she win the ticket. According to YK or oh, Hillary is not popular.
At this point oh complimented YK on being "politically astute". Or maybe it was the other way around.
Three: The Canadian emigration policy has been significantly altered.
It became apparent that either oh or YK were of emigrant roots. I was soon to learn that things were very different in those days, compared to today. At this moment I reflected back on my own emigration experience to try and draw parallels. When I came to, I learned that emigrants of earlier days had to show that they were going to contribute in some way to the Canadian economy, that they absolutely had to speak English and that they could not just arrive and have things handed to them on a platter. This made them a lot more grateful. I wracked my brains to think about a recent emigration story that this may have been referenced to. My mind drew a blank.
Four: White people are becoming extinct.
This was truly my favorite part of the discussion. It would seem that there is so much inter-racial mixing that soon white people will cease to exist. And this is of critical concern to either oh or YK (I could not figure out who was who and tried very hard to listen for the sounds of words coming from a mouth full of fingers and metal instruments). Apparently like should stay with like, as she told her 8th grade daughter who announced that she liked a Chinese boy. And who was immediately told to stick with her own race. At this point ok or YK announced that they were of a mixed-race family and god dammit, the dentist inserted a drill into my mouth and pounded away, drowning out the delicious sounds coming from the room next door.
I giggled, the dental assistant looked at me and said "You're listening to the conversion next door aren't you?".
And unlike my counterpart, with a mouth full (which is not something I am used to), I said "uh huh"
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