When I was in Std 9, or what would be considered Grade 11, I wrote the following poem that was published in the annual school yearbook. On the occasion of your 3rd birthday I dedicate this second Shakespearean publication to you. Happy Birthday Hammy!
To pee or not to pee, - that is the question:
Whether 'tis problems of the bladder to suffer
Or the pain of stones in the kidneys,
Or maybe to take help from a group of Urologists,
Who by treating pains end them? - To sleep, to suffer,
No more, and by a sleep to say we end
The pain and the thousand natural ills
The flesh is heir to 'tis a Cystoscopy
Devoutly to be wish'd. To end - to sleep;
To sleep! perchance to dream: ay, there's the doctor
For in that sleep of anaesthesia what dreams may come.
When with his sharp knife an incision he makes,
Must let him look: there's the stone
That for so long did block the pipe;
And who could've bore the pain and anguish of obstruction?
The surgeon's deftness the stone's release,
The pangs of despised surgery - my worries ended,
The fair surgeon! - Genius in all your incisions
Be all your operations remember'd!
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