
Monday, January 11, 2016

On using sex toys

On the way back from lunch the other day Brooke and I passed a sex shop and peered in through the glass windows as we strolled by. Christina and Keith, who were on the opposite side of the road, had a bet that we would definitely look and possibly go inside. We didn't, but would it have been so bad if we did?

The sex trade is huge, in so many ways. Toys and sexy lingerie are used to enhance existing relationships and often land new ones. There is a air of secrecy around this and sometimes a secret sense of shame. Sometimes these toys are used outside of their intended purpose. 

Today a young man arrived at the pool area with a new friend. And she was an instant hit. She sat at the bar and had a few drinks, she swam in the pool, she posed for photographs with her new friends. Her companion announced loudly that she is a virgin. She also learned to Tango (see the video below).

Bet you though this post was going to go deep..... 


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