
Thursday, January 14, 2016

About last night

I'm a little late with yesterday's post and so today will be a double whammy! As Robert Burns said, 

"The best laid schemes o' Mice an' Men,
Gang aft agley," 

We picked up Tyson from Uberdog where he vacations when we are away. This is an amazing place, an old greyhound racing station (I believe) where the dogs roam around freely all day long, they can run and play, swim and sleep in a big barn together. Every day the caretakers upload pics of the day to their website and invariably any pic of Tyson is of him mid-air like a Springbok. 

When we collected him we were told that he had thrown up and seemed a little under the weather. We put him in the car and trekked back to the County and he seemed OK, sleeping most of the time.  We picked up Troy from his luxury B&B (he's gotten too old for the ranch and prefers a more tranquil stay) and soon arrived home. Tyson was his usual exuberant self, running around in the snow and attacking Troy's ears. 

Later in the early evening, after dinner, Tyson was fast asleep in my lap. Suddenly he jumped up and started gagging as if he was going to throw up and then collapsed on his side. We thought he had had a seizure and I quickly rushed him to the emergency vet. By the time I got to the vet he was back to his normal self and wanting to play with a huge Great Dane in the waiting room. 

We ran a bunch of tests, took X-rays and after deciding not to leave him there we returned home around 11pm. Keith and I spent the night watching him, first in the bed and later me sleeping on the floor next to his bed with one hand on him the whole time. He got up almost every hour so it was a pretty restless night for everyone. 

He's OK today, a little spaced out but probably from the lack of sleep. We (our vet, who I trust implicitly) don't think he did have a seizure, and I hope that is the correct assumption. He may have pancreatitis which can easily be treated by adjusting his diet. 

I may not have children, and you may not have pets. Or maybe you do but you don't think of them as children. But I do. When my kids are sick I am sick. When they don't sleep neither do I. When something happens I think the worst. When they need treatment money doesn't matter. 


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