
Saturday, January 16, 2016

Feeling guilty about spreading a cold even when I didnt

Today's post was coined by Christina, who has a cold. She is married to Brooke, who has a cold. Christina's mom Vera has a cold too. Keith has informed the world of Facebook that he has man flu. I had a cold. Apparently I am patient zero. 

Merle just messaged me to warn against bringing my disease to Vancouver when I visit week after next.

It's winter. 

Everyone has a cold. In fact it would seem that my entire New York office has been sick, and so I blame this on them. Somehow the germs must have made it towards me via teleconference. 

I went for a massage in Mexico and the masseuse leaned in and breathed into my ear and over my face. I am not sure if she was trying to be seductive but I guarantee she did not get the anticipated response. The only thing that rose during that massage was me off the table and out the door. OK it wasn't a door, it was a curtain. 

I went to Mexico and back in an plane. People sneeze, cough and splutter. On me. Which is why I always sit at a window. Against the window. Looking at the window. 

If you get sick, remember I will always be there for you, wishing you better via Facebook. 


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