
Saturday, January 9, 2016

To Coral. A birthday tribute.

In continuation of my birthday posts I wish one of my oldest friends the happiest of birthdays! 

I haven't seen Corrie-pop in a long time but luckily we have a Facebook connection so I always know what she's up to. According to Facebook I am also her grandfather. Coral is one of those people that I have watched grow up. When I was young and pretty and at University I became friendly with Coral's mom Gaby. Coral must have been around 5 at the time. She lived with her mom, my ex-boyfriend Laurence and another friend Lauren. It was the ultimate commune. 

We had so much fun there, I have incredible memories of long lazy dinners (especially charred peppers on the stove) and stories that can never be put in writing. Gaby/Lauren, if you are reading this then I refer you to a certain note posted on the fridge that contained warnings with respect to a child and a strainer. 

Coral, you always were a bright, strong, determined kid. I loved having you around. You grew up to become an ever better woman. You got your independence and your spirit from your mom. I wish you hundreds of years of health and love. 


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