
Monday, March 17, 2008


I have been wracking my brain for something witty, and enlightening to write. I've started a few times and then given up because to be honest, all that I hear about, and talk about at the moment, is the terrible state of the country we live in and our impending move from South Africa. But here's the thing. I don't want to talk about that. I'm not joking when I say it's all we discuss and it's tiring. At some point I am sure I will rave on about it so I still reserve the right but for now I have something much more fun!

It rained this weekend, non-stop, and it's still raining. I'm getting used to the idea of living indoors (read...Canada) and Dexter, my very large but very wimpy Boxer is going to have to give in at some point and go outside. He point blank refuses to put a toe on anything that has dropped below a certain temperature or seen the likes of a drop of water. The poor thing hovers like a ballerina a few centimetres above the ground when he has no option but to go out and do his business. Last night he refused to go to sleep until he had been totally wrapped up in a duvet.

Anyway, I decided to lie on the couch with a cup of hot coffee and read some of my old school magazines, the ones that they put out at the end of each year. I came upon some of my writing that had been published. Damn....I was a miserable soul, you should read the depressing shit I wrote. But there was one piece that made me giggle and here it is.....

"To Pee or not to Pee"

To pee or not to pee, - that is the question:
Whether 'tis problems of the bladder to suffer
Or the pain of stones of the kidneys,
Or maybe to take help from a group of Urologists,
Who by treating pains end them? - To sleep, to suffer,
No more, and by a sleep to say we end
The pain and the thousand natural ills
That flesh is heir to 'tis a Cystocsopy
Devoutly to be wish'd. To end - to sleep;
To sleep! perchance to dream; ay, there's the doctor
For in that sleep of anaesthesia what dreams may come.
When with his sharp knife an incision he makes,
Must let him look: there's the stone
That for so long did block the pipe;
And who could've bore the pain and anguish or obstruction?
The surgeon's deftness the stone's release,
The pangs of despised surgery - my worries ended,
The fair surgeon! - Genuis in all your incisions
Be all your operations remember'd!

Std 9 (Grade 11)

P.S. Mother is home, well and high as a kite. Go mania!!

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