
Sunday, November 29, 2015

Happy Birthday to me

It is the eve of my 42nd birthday and more than a year since I last posted on my blog. When I started this blog I intended it to be a way to record my emigration experience and for that purpose it served me well. I never wanted to be that person who felt the need to post something every day for the sake of writing and so my subsequent posts appeared only when I felt that I had something relevant to say that was worth (in my mind) reading.

Or remembering.

We live in an online world; Keith was browsing through YouTube today looking at videos of some revolution and marveled at how much there is out there. Often I sit staring at my computer thinking of a something to add to the www and draw a blank, because there is so much out there, and also so little.

A lot has changed this year but it's been a great year and every now and then I remember something I forgot. So I've decided that this year I'll join the community of over-sharers and (attempt to) write something every day until the eve of my 43rd. Maybe this will be my own personal challenge and maybe this in itself will challenge me.

And maybe I will fulfill my wish so often described in my previous posts; to be remembered.

More to come. I hope.

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